
Phone: (845) 797-9796
Email: lee@lleemiller.com

What clients report:
Lee Miller – patient, skilled and generous

I was lucky enough to encounter Lee as a focusing teacher and guide during a week of intense “beginner” Focusing sessions as part of the Focusing Institute Summer School I attended in August 2015. As a slightly skeptical and initially frustrated novice, I needed someone who combined the skills of an experienced Focusing practitioner with the natural patience of a generous teacher. Lee was all of those things, and more. She contributed so much to the success of our group during that week with her sensitive, practical and intensely human approach to the very different focusing “journeys’ on which we were all embarked. In my case, Lee also offered some additional time and coaching which turned out to be crucial to the value and impact of the overall experience. I am sure many others will benefit from Lee's gentle expertise and wise generosity.

-Martin Stewart-Weeks

Lee is a superb teacher! Deeply compassionate. Crystal clear. Continuously attentive. Speaks from authentic experience. She is a mirror that doesn’t distort and doesn’t have an agenda other than helping you find and follow your own light.

-Dennis M.

What is Focusing?

Perhaps the best way to begin talking about Focusing is by giving an example. Take a moment to recall someone with whom you enjoy spending time, like a trusted friend or family member. Before thoughts form, notice how your whole being feels, particularly any sensations in the middle area of your body: your throat, chest, solar plexus and belly. This bodily awareness of someone you love may be vague yet distinct, familiar yet mysterious, very particular to this one person, and yet still too complex and unformed to put into words. 

Now do the same thing again, only this time think about someone you don’t like, maybe someone you distrust for no particular reason. Notice the subtle yet distinct sensations that begin to form in your body. Take your time. Pay attention to the difference between your bodily experience of someone you dislike as compared to that of someone you trust and enjoy. This inarticulate yet wise, discriminating, inner knowing is what we call a “felt sense” in Focusing.

When we have an unsettling response to someone, we often say things like, “It just doesn’t feel right” or “My gut tells me not to trust this person.” This inner knowing that forms as our whole bodily experience of a person, place, problem, question or situation often guides us to make the right decisions in life and yet we can’t quite articulate how we know what we know. We can, however, cultivate an intentional relationship with our felt sense in such a way that we can access and be guided by our own inner knowing at any given moment in our lives. This sovereign source of inner guidance fosters self-confidence, self-empowerment and self-directed change. The process through which this happens is called Focusing. To learn more about the origins and philosophy of Focusing click here.

Take the First Step.

Focusing Sessions

Guided Focusing Sessions

I offer 50 minute guided Focusing sessions in-person, on the phone, or by Skype. Unless you’re an experienced focuser, it’s usually helpful to have in mind something in particular you’d like to explore during our time together. I guide you through the process with suggestions and reflections, occasionally teaching aspects of the process depending on your level of experience and interest. My goal is for you to experience Focusing and feel empowered to follow your own felt sense.

(845) 797-9796

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​Lee Miller

Life and Leadership Coach