Inner Relationship Focusing
Part One - 9 week course
April 30th - June 25th
Thursdays 2:00-4:00 EST

Are you longing to feel confident, relaxed and empowered to skillfully navigate the ups and downs of daily life?

(845) 797-9796

Call For A Free Consultation

​Lee Miller

Life and Leadership Coach


Take the First Step.

Focusing is a process that facilitates an embodied experience of our innate emotional intelligence, or gut instinct. As we attune to our body’s inner knowing, we learn how to make space for our most intense emotions while staying calm, grounded and centered in Presence. In this Level One IRF workshop, you will learn how to cultivate this compassionate witness using presence language. You will learn how to experience your body’s “felt sense” and how to follow its guidance. By the end of this weekend, you will know how to effectively Focus with a partner or even on your own. Most importantly, you will leave here an empowered focuser who can pause and turn inward to access your richest inner resource – your body’s sense of what’s most right for you in any given moment.


On Zoom and Google


Lee Miller

(845) 797-9796

